‘Hello… HELLO! Are you deaf? Do you have disco ears?’ If people ask you this and you’re still well below 80 , you may be suffering from hearing loss, which can come from (prolonged) listening to very loud music. You won’t notice how bad it is until it’s too late, and after that you won’t be able to hear your favorite music the way it really is – so an expensive sound system is no longer a sound investment. To avoid all this, use the i-trixx sound meter to save your ears (and your neighbor's ears!)....
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The circuit below uses two quad voltage comparators (LM339) to illuminate a series of 8 LEDs indicating volume level. Each of the 8 comparators is biased at increasing voltages set by the voltage divider so that the lower right LED comes on first when the input is about 400 millivolts or about 22 milliwatts peak in an 8 ohm system....
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This circuit of measurement of level uses the UAA180 of SIEMENS and a circuit of rectification of precision, round the IC2B. The calibration has become in steps 3db from the one Led in the other, ensuring, a very good rate of precision, in the measurement of entering acoustic signals. The Led can be square, thus when they are placed the one by in the other, they give the picture of bar, without space....
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This analyst is, a sensitive instrument, in the frequency changes and width of a acoustic signal. Thus the brightness of LED that turns on each moment of is proportional signal width, while the colour of proportionally frequency....
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The circuit is placed parallel with the exit of power amplifier and us gives the level of signal ,from output. Changing resistance R1, in the input circuit, we adapt the indication of power, in the resistance of loudspeaker, that we use....
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A very simple circuit of indication of level, with 10 Led. Is used the circuit of half-wave rectification of precision round the IC2, with gain one. With switch S1, we can select the indication of Led. The level of entry is 60 mV-1.25 V....
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A circuit of measurement of level based on a typical application of National....
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It is a simple circuit of optical index of level of sound signals, adapted in various needs of user....
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A peak level indicator when a signal exceeds a certain maximum value. It can be quite useful, for instance, with tape recorders, mixing consoles etc. One of the most important requirements of a peak level indicator is that it should respond to very short signals....
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A simple circuit, peak indicator of tops of musical signal. Each time where the level of signal exceeds the level + 4dB, turns on led D1. It is useful in each channel of console of sound, in final amplifiers or in that other application, to we needed. With the prices of circuit, the indicate begins with levels above + 4 dB (1.25V rms). For adaptation in different levels of signal, we can use a trimmer, before capacitor C1....
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This circuit is intended to indicate the power output level of any audio amplifier. It is simple, portable, and displays three power levels that can be set to any desired value....
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This nifty sound level meter is a perfect one chip replacement for the standard analog meters. It is completely solid state and will never wear out. The whole circuit is based on the LM3915 audio level IC and uses only a few external components....
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