This circuit is usable as a Night Lamp when a wall mains socket is not available to plug-in an ever running small neon lamp device. In order to ensure minimum battery consumption, one 1.5V cell is used and simple voltage doublers drives a pulsating ultra-bright LED: current drawing is less than 500µA. An optional Photo resistor will switch-off the circuit in daylight or when room lamps illuminate, allowing further current economy. This device will run for about 3 months continuously on an ordinary AA sized cell or for around 6 months on an alkaline type cell but, adding the Photo resistor circuitry, running time will be doubled or, very likely, triplicates. IC1 generates a square wave at about 4 Hz frequencies. C2 & D2 form voltage doublers, necessary to raise the battery voltage to a peak value able to drive the LED....
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This ultra-bright white LED lamp works on 230V AC with minimal power consumption. It can be used to illuminate VU meters, SWR meters, etc. Ultra-bright LEDs available in the market cost Rs 8 to 15. These LEDs emit a 1000-6000mCd bright white light like welding arc and work on 3 volts, 10 mA. Their maximum voltage is 3.6 volts and the current is 25 mA. Anti-static precautions should be taken when handling the LEDs....
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This circuit is designed on request and can be useful to those whishing to have, say, a red LED illuminated when an appliance is on and a green LED illuminated when the same appliance is off. Any mains operated appliance can be monitored by this circuit provided a suitable mains switch, capable of withstanding the full load current, is used for SW1.When SW1 is closed, the load and D4 are energized, Q1 is saturated and shorts D3, thus preventing its illumination....
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The PR4403 is an enhanced cousin of the PR4402 40mA LED driver. It has an extra input called LS which can be taken low to turn the LED on. This makes it very easy to build an automatic LED lamp using a rechargeable battery and a solar module. The LS input is connected directly to the solar cell, which allows the module to be used as a light sensor at the same time as it charges the battery via a diode. When darkness falls so does the voltage across the solar module: when it is below a threshold value the PR4403 switches on. During the day the battery is charged and, with the LED of, the driver only draws 100µA....
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Most PC enclosures provide only a single LED to indicate hard disk access, with the LED being connected to the motherboard via a two-pin connector. However, this LED only works with IDE drives, and if a SCSI disk controller is fitted, its activity will not be visibly noticeable. This small circuit remedies that problem using a multicolour LED. The activity LED for the IDE interface is usually driven by a connected device via one or more open-collector stages....
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Here is a simple and powerful LED circuit that can be operated directly from the AC 100 volt to AC 230 Volts mains supply. The circuit can be used as mains power locator or night lamp etc.. The resistor R1,R2 and capacitor C1 provides necessary current limiting. The circuit is sufficiently immune against voltage spikes and surges....
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Here is a white-LED-based emergency light that offers the following advantages. 1-It is highly bright due to the use of white LEDs. 2-The light turns on automatically when mains supply fails, and turns off when mains power resumes. 3-It has its own battery charger. When the battery is fully charged, charging stops automatically. The charger power supply section is built around 3-terminal adjustable regulator IC LM317 (IC1), while the LED driver section is built around transistor BD140 (Q2)....
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A common problem with small torches is the short life-span both of the batteries and the bulb. The average incandescent torch, for instance, consumes around 2 Watts. The LED Torch in Fig. 1 consumes just 24 mW, giving it more than 80 times longer service from 4 AA alkaline batteries (that is, up to one month's continuous service)....
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This circuit should only be used with the solenoid type chime doorbells, the electronic type that play tunes will not work here....
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The LED circuit below is an example of using 25 white LEDs in series connected to the 120VAC line. It can be modified for more or less LEDs by adjusting the resistor value. The exact resistance will depend on the particular LEDs used. But working out the resistor value is a bit complicated since current will not continously flow through the resistor....
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The circuit below illustrates powering a LED (or two) from the 120 volt AC line using a capacitor to drop the voltage and a small resistor to limit the inrush current. Since the capacitor must pass current in both directions, a small diode is connected in parallel with the LED to provide a path for the negative half cycle and also to limit the reverse voltage across the LED. A second LED with the polarity reversed may be subsituted for the diode, or a tri-color LED could be used which would appear orange with alternating current....
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