This simple LED tester consists of a current source with a potentiometer that can be used to adjust the current. The current source is implemented using a type TL081 opamp. The output current of the opamp flows through the diode and R2. The voltage drop across R2 is fed back to the inverting input and compared with the reference voltage, which is set with R1 and applied to the non-inverting input....
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You have to admit that these tiny electronic lamps are handy, and they last almost forever. Around 40 years after Nick Holanyak developed the first LED, they have become just about indispensable. Any self-respecting electronics hobbyist always has a few in his junk box. But before you use LEDs, it’s a good idea to check them out. With a LED tester, you can even do it in the dark!...
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This simple circuit tests speakers, microphones, transformers and voltage. It's basically a very low frequency oscillator that produces extremely short 'fruity' pulses. The type of sound produced is very easy to hear and to determine the precise direction it is coming from, thus making it ideal for checking the phasing in multiple speaker installations. It is also very useful for car stereo installations as well as public address systems where it can drive dozens of speakers directly on a 100V or 70V line system....
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Many times we have found itself in the necessity to use a Zener diode and cannot to know the voltage of operation. Many times we cannot read the characteristics or the type that is written on her....
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Zener Diode Tester...
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This is a simple XTal tester circuit. T1 and XTal have formed an oscillator. C1 and C2 are voltage divider for oscillator. if the XTal is safe, the oscillator will work well and its output voltage will be rectified by C3, C4, D1 and D2, then T2 will run and LED will light. The circuit is suitable to test 100KHz - 30MHz Xtal....
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This simple circuit has helped me out on many occasions. It is able to check transistors, in the circuit, down to 40 ohms across the collector-base or base-emitter junctions. It can also check the output power transistors on amplifier circuits....
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This is a variation on the astable multivibrator. Circuit was recently developed to test for N-mosfets(the power kind e.g irf830)...
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This circuit enables you to test quartz resonators at the range values from 32kHz to 24MHz. Confirmation of good state of quartz resonator is done by diode signalling LED and acoustic signal...
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This is a simple use of the PIC 16F84 about a diode tester....
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