t is a very useful thing , to have a small headphone amplifier , capable of driving a couple of pairs phones. Fortunately, the headphone amp has a much easier job to do, in that neither the output power requirements nor the load characteristics are so severe, since headphones typically have a load, impedance , higher of 50 ohm, (typical 600 ohm), and only require 1-2V RMS. max, for normal output. Since only a low power output is required, a Class A stage, is perfectly feasible. For adequate Class A operation the output transistors Q5-6, should pass say 100mA each. With ±15V supply this would mean 1.5Watts dissipation, so a smallish Heatsink, will be needed for each. With RV1 adjust input audio signal and Tr1 adjust the output DC Offset voltage for 0V (±30mV). For stereo application , you need two unit, of this amp.